The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance 14 members.
The 50/50 drawing was held with no winner.
Happy Bucks was collected by Vince.
Kip started the business discussion:
We will have a meeting on Veteran's Day (next Monday). This updates the notice in the October Board Meeting Minutes.
The next Division 20 Council Meeting is this coming Wednesday, November 6 at 7 AM at the First Watch on 72nd & Pacific. We may have five members attend.
A sign up sheet was passed around for volunteers to help with the Clothing for Kids Program. The date is November 19th, 5:45 PM, at the Walmart on 72nd just south of Pacific.
Joann, Rich, and Dale helped at Completely Kids last week.
Dale updated the Sacred Heart Reading Program. The November dates are November 8th and 22nd.
Scheduled for November 8th are Greg, Rich, and Kip.
Scheduled for November 22nd are Steve, Joel, and one more volunteer is needed.
Dale also reported that he is still working the schedule for the Sacred Heart Christmas Lunch.
Glen reminded everyone to get their October service hours to him as soon as possible.
Jack stated he was preparing to send out scholarship notices very soon. Kip confirmed that the Board had approved three, $2,000 scholarships.
The Guest Speaker was Ellen Cooling of AARP. She talked on Scam Prevention and passed out several useful sheets of information.
The next meeting is November 11, 12 PM at Legends.
Steve Bunting