The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Dave.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance: 14
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
Phil enjoyed our club enough to return again.
Barb announced we will be honoring Jack at our August 5th meeting for 50 years of service in Kiwanis.
Joann is going to the District Convention in Des Moines, IA on August 2nd.
She also went to the Visitors Center at Eppley Airport to assess the volunteer opportunity for the Omaha Visitor Center Ambassadors Program. More volunteers are needed. She will suggest this as a district project for District 17, 19 and 20. She met with Shannon Wiig, Director of Visitor Services at Eppley. She will ask her to be a speaker at one of our meetings in August.
Greg talked about being an Omaha Visitor Center Ambassador. He said that the Golden K Club is the primary sponsor. The Information Booth is the only volunteer opportunity at the airport. Volunteers get a discount on concessions and free parking when on duty. He said it is the most diverse mall in the City of Omaha. It is a great experience.
Rod mentioned the opportunity to volunteer for the Allplay fall season. It is from August 10th to September 14th. They need a lot of volunteers. Barb and Dave volunteered as Greeters for August 17th. Sign up is easy. Go to
Dale signed up for speakers for September. He asked for us to let him know if we have any suggestions.
Glen would like to have your service hours for July emailed to him as soon as possible.
Vince introduced our speaker Kelsey Phippen, MS,RD,LD,LMNT Registered Dietitian for Hyvee, Inc. Their mission - making lives, easier, healthier and happier. Kelsey explained all the services that are available through Hyvee Dietitian Nutrition Services . She told us which ones had a cost and which ones are free. It's amazing how many are free. She handed out a brochure with all of this information. It also available on line at Kelsey was an excellent speaker. She shared a lot of information with us
Board Meeting is August 6th at 6:30 at Kip's office.
August 5th we will be Celebrating Jack Jackson's 50 years of service in Kiwanis.
Next meeting is August 5 at Legends at noon.
Submitted by Barb St John