√ February 3:
Canopy South; Cesar Garcia, Executive Director
√ February 10:
Omahawks Radio Controlled Airplane Club - Grant Schulte and Jim Henley
February 17:
RISE: Jeremy Bourman, CEO
February 24:
Omaha's Preservation Program: Shelley McCafferty, City of Omaha Preservation Planner

Who's Online

We have 48 guests and no members online

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]

Attendance: 15  Members 

50/50 Still no winner.

Kip collected Happy Bucks.

We are in end of year dues collection mode. Please send cash, check or money order to Steve ASAP. So far 19 out of 33 members have paid. Thank you to those who have already done so. 

August 25th from 6 to 9am we sold Husker Flags for $5.00 a piece at two McDonald's locations. Frank and Joann brought in $179.00 at McDonald's on 24th and Cuming. Barb and Dave brought in $560.00 at McDonald's on 168th and Maple. The proceeds from selling the flags goes to the Ronald McDonald House. 

We had a lovely time at Jack;s home on Saturday the 26th. 31 people enjoyed the party. Jack provided the drinks and appetizers. Our club provided the Hyvee meal. Thank you Jack for inviting us into your home.

Dennis sent an email regarding the next 2 flag day's. He still needs volunteers. Contact him if you are available to help.

Monday September 4th is flag placement and pickup day. Contact Dennis if you are available to help.

Monday September 11 is flag placement and pick up day. The last one this year.  Contact Dennis if you are available to help.

Tuesday, September 19th is the next Board meeting. It is at Kip's office at 6:30 pm.  One agenda item will be to decide who pays for the Installation Dinner. 

Wednesday, September 6th is the Division Council Meeting. It's 7 am at First Watch on 72nd Street.

Tuesday, October 10th  is our Installation Dinner at Champions Run Golf Course at 6 pm.

October 10th is also the last possible day to delete a member so we don't have to pay Kiwanis International. dues for a person that is not planning to continue their membership.

Glen has asked to have everyone email him their service hours for August.

Dale introduced our speaker JoAnn Dodd, Donor Funding Coordinator at Open Door Mission

Open Door Mission has a Gospel Rescue Mission that meets the needs of individuals and families while inspiring HOPE for lasting change.

In 2022, Open Door Mission made an impact by:

Providing 157,195 nights of safe shelter.

Serving 1.42 million nutritious meals to feed the hungry.

Empowering 26,772 individuals to remain in their own homes and prevent homelessness.

Celebrating 85 graduates from life-changing programs.

Diverting 528 patients experiencing homelessness from hospital emergency room visits.

Changed lives along with 12,845 volunteers giving 47,245 hours of their valuable time.

Processed and redistributed 5.04 million pounds of Gift-in-Kind donations from generous donors. 

It was amazing to hear what all they accomplish. 

They are looking for volunteers. Joann Feller is considering getting a group to go help cook an evening meal. Joann will seen out more information.

We do not have a meeting on Monday, September 4th. 

Speaker for September 11th is Tracey Domgard the Nebraska-Iowa Key Club Administrator and 2 students that went to the Key Leader Convention in Anaheim, CA 

Our next meeting is September 11th at noon at Legends

Submitted by Barb St John

Attendance: 15  Members 
50/50 Still no winner.
Kip collected Happy Bucks.
Joann talked to Jessica Buss. She will transfer to the Missouri Valley Kiwanis Club. She has family ties with that club. Her Dad was a member of that club.
Joann read a Thank You note from Lynda Henningsen for the Convention help. Joann, Glen, Steve, Greg and Ralph helped receive the produce donations for Saving Grace on Friday evening and Saturday morning at the Convention.
All Play could use some volunteers on Saturday mornings. Sign up on allplay.org.
Yearly membership dues are $135.00. Mail your check to Steve or take it to a meeting to give it to him.
Friday, August 25th is Big Red Friday. Joann, Frank, Dave and Barb will be selling flags at 2 different McDonald locations. Ronald McDonald House will benefit from the sale of the flags.
Saturday, August 26th is our club social at Jack Jackson's house. It will be at 6 pm. Food is being catered. Jack will furnish the beverages. Joann has confirmed 27 guests including spouses.
Monday, September 4th is flag placement and pick up day. 3 more people are needed for pick up. Notify Dennis if you are available to volunteer.
Monday, September 11th is the last flag placement and pick up day for this year.  Notify Dennis or Frank if you are available to volunteer.
Tuesday, September 19th is the next Board Meeting. The Board will make a recommendation on who will pay for the Installation Dinner. The meeting will be at 6:30 pm at Kip's office.
Tuesday, October 10th is the Installation Dinner at 6:00 pm at Champions Run Country Club.
Tuesday, October 10th is also the last possible day to delete a member, so we don't have to pay Kiwanis International.  Notify Joann if you are not going to renew your membership.
Our club is searching for a worthwhile, marquis, development project.  Send any suggestions to Joann.
Dale introduced our speaker, Jane Erdenberger. She is a Board Member at Omaha Public Schools. Jane is a life-long resident of Omaha. She graduated from Westside High School in 1971, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1975 and from the George Washington National Law Center in Washington DC in 1978. She returned to Omaha to join the Kutak Rock national law firm where she was a public finance lawyer for 22 years. She earned a second bachelor’s degree, magna cum laude, in education, retired from Kutak Rock, and taught African American History, Ethnic Studies and Honors Geography at Omaha North High Magnet School for 16 years and then taught at The Omaha Home for Boys for two-and-a-half additional years. Jane is determined to address issues of educational inequity, identify non-college-based career paths and recruit, reward and retain the excellent teaching and support staff enjoyed by Omaha Public Schools. The information she presented about OPS was fascinating. There are 53,000 students in the OPS system. She distributed a handout regarding their program called College & Career Academies and Pathways. This will help students determine what they would like to do after finishing high school. She was an excellent speaker.
Next Meeting is August 28th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 12  Members 
50/50 Still no winner.
Frank collected Happy Bucks.
Joann thanked everyone for agreeing to switch our meeting day's to Monday.
Steve has received payment from 9 people for their annual dues. You can mail a check to him or give it to him at one of our meetings.
Steve, Dana, Rich, Brenda, Kip, Deb, Dave and Barb prepared a meal at Ronald McDonald House on August 14th. Great team work preparing the meal. It's always a wonderful experience. 
August 25th is Red Flag Friday. Joann, Frank, Dave and Bar have volunteered to sell flags. 
August 26th is our Social Outing at Jack's house. The meal will be catered. The club is paying for the food. Jack will furnish the beverages Joann sent out an email with Jack's address.
September 4th is Flag Placement and Pick Up day. Volunteers are needed. Contact Dennis or Frank if you are available to volunteer. Flags will be at the church on 84th Street. 
September 11 is Flag Placement and Pick Up day. Volunteers are needed. Contact Dennis or Frank if you are available to volunteer.
The flags will be at Franks House.
Dennis or Frank will send out an email with details.
September 19 is the next Board Meeting.
October 10th is the Installation Dinner at 6:00 pm at Champions Run Golf Course.  More info to follow.
Dale introduced our speaker. It was Cheryl Murray, Director of Development for Partnership 4 Kids. 

Their Mission:

To engage and inspire students from preschool to graduation, guiding them to success with individualized support, career exploration and scholarships.

They engageenlighten, and encourage students from preschool through graduation.

They engage through mentoring, evidence-based programming, and relationship-building.

They enlighten through goal-setting and career exploration.

They encourage through long-term support and scholarships.

Their proven results place young people on a pathway to success.

There are opportunities to volunteer. You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in volunteering. Joann is a volunteer for them.

Speaker for August 21st is Jane Erdenberger.
Next meeting is Monday, August 21st at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John


Attendance: 20 Members 
50/50 Still no winner.
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
This is our last meeting at Legends on Thursday's. We will start meeting at Legends on Monday's as of August 14th.
We will not have meetings when a Holiday is on a Monday.
Barb and Dave delivered the back packs and school supplies to Sacred Heart School on Friday. Barb and Marilyn Cheney spent $723.61 on supplies for Sacred Heart School for Pre-K and 2nd Grade. That was a lot of supplies.  Pictures below are of the supplies occupying our sofa and dining room table. This is a project I would recommend doing annually.
Barb changed the menu for Providing a Meal to Ronald McDonald House on August 12th.  Another group was serving lasagna on April 10th.  The change was made for us to serve sloppy joe's.
Barb passed around a sign-up sheet for cooking at R M House on August 12th. There's room for 2 more volunteers. Email Barb if you're available.
Dennis reminded everyone that the last 2 times for placing and picking up flags will be September 4th and September 11. Dennis will be sending out an email asking for volunteers. Email Dennis if you are available.
Glen checked with Olive Garden regarding meetings there. He was informed the corporate office said they will not ever be hosting groups or meeting again.
Glen heard from 8 people regarding service hours for July. Email Glen your service hours as soon as possible.
Our Summer Social will be at Jack's house on Saturday, August 26th at 6 pm.  The meal will be catered. Jack will supply the beverages.  He will send out an email with his address.
The Installation Dinner is October 10th. It will be at 6 pm at Champions Run Golf Course. More info to come.
Dues for our club will remain the same at $135.00. Mail your check to Steve or bring it to a meeting. 
Let Joann or Steve know by September 30th if you do not plan to remain as a member. This is necessary because the club will have to pay International for you if you are still on the roster as of October 1st.
Dave reported the web site is still a work in progress. He has made a lot of progress. Still working on more progress.
Frank called Linda Jones to check on how she and Rod are doing. Rod is living in an Assisted Care Facility. Linda is still living at home.
Greg said he will give Jack Frost a call to see how he is doing.
Dale introduced our speaker. Richard Sette, Director of Team Bike.  Team Bike Rescue of Omaha collects bicycles to refurbish. The refurbished bicycles are used for at-risk youth, homeless and refugees for transportation for employment. This is a very worthwhile project that Richard and the volunteers are doing.
Speaker for August 14th is Cheryl Murray for Partnership 4 Kids.
Next meeting is Monday, August 14th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 17 Members 
50/50 Still no winner.
Vince collected Happy Bucks.
Barb passed around a sign-up sheet for cooking at Ronald McDonald House on August 12th. The hours are 3:30 to around 7:30.  Dave, Barb, Steve, Dana, Rich and possibly his wife have volunteered. We have room for 2 more volunteers. Email Barb if you are available.
Barb and a friend named Marilyn Cheney shopped at Walmart for 20 back packs and the school supplies for them. The cost was $466.16. Dave and Barb delivered them to Completely Kids on Wednesday. Completely Kid's planned to distribute these and many more back packs to families at their Back To School Bash on August 4th.
Joann had results from the gaggle poll regarding changing our meeting day.  6 Monday Only, 12 Monday or Tuesday, 1 Tuesday Only and 1 Friday.
Dale has arranged speakers for August.
Bill has arranged speakers for September.
Glen asked everyone to email him your service hours for July.
Glen and Joann will attend the District Convention.
Greg, Ralph and Joann will help collect produce for Saving Grace at the District Convention on Friday from 3 to 6 pm. Steve, Glen and Joann will help collect it on Saturday from 7:30 to 9 am.
The Installation Dinner is Tuesday, October 10th at Champions Run Golf Course.at 6:00 pm. More information to come.
Board meeting is August 8th at 6:30 at Kip's office.. Email Joann if you would like to have something put on the agenda.
Big Red Friday which will be on Friday, August 25th from 6:00 am to 9:00 am. Volunteers will be needed at McDonald's locations all across the state in order to help us sell Husker flags and raise money for all the families staying at Nebraska's only Ronald McDonald House. Sign up here:    https://app.vomo.org/opportunity/big-red-friday-with-rmhc, select your choice McDonald's location, and click join. 
Our Summer Party is August 26th at Jack Jackson's house. He will send out an email to get an idea on how many will attend. It will be catered. Jack will furnish the beverages.
Next flag day is Labor Day, September 4th. Email Dennis if you are available to place or pick up flags.
Allplay fall baseball session starts August 12th.  Volunteers are needed. Go to allplay.org to volunteer.
Dale introduced our speaker Laura Armas. She is the Resource Coordinator for Completely Kids.  Completely Kids educates and empowers kids and families to create a safe, healthy successful and connected community. They provide many services to various locations. The numbers they support are amazing.  A wonderful organization for our community.
Speaker for August 10th is Richard Sette, Director of Team Bike.
Next meeting is August 10th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John