We have 48 guests and no members online
Attendance: 15 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Kip collected Happy Bucks.
We are in end of year dues collection mode. Please send cash, check or money order to Steve ASAP. So far 19 out of 33 members have paid. Thank you to those who have already done so.
August 25th from 6 to 9am we sold Husker Flags for $5.00 a piece at two McDonald's locations. Frank and Joann brought in $179.00 at McDonald's on 24th and Cuming. Barb and Dave brought in $560.00 at McDonald's on 168th and Maple. The proceeds from selling the flags goes to the Ronald McDonald House.
We had a lovely time at Jack;s home on Saturday the 26th. 31 people enjoyed the party. Jack provided the drinks and appetizers. Our club provided the Hyvee meal. Thank you Jack for inviting us into your home.
Dennis sent an email regarding the next 2 flag day's. He still needs volunteers. Contact him if you are available to help.
Monday September 4th is flag placement and pickup day. Contact Dennis if you are available to help.
Monday September 11 is flag placement and pick up day. The last one this year. Contact Dennis if you are available to help.
Tuesday, September 19th is the next Board meeting. It is at Kip's office at 6:30 pm. One agenda item will be to decide who pays for the Installation Dinner.
Wednesday, September 6th is the Division Council Meeting. It's 7 am at First Watch on 72nd Street.
Tuesday, October 10th is our Installation Dinner at Champions Run Golf Course at 6 pm.
October 10th is also the last possible day to delete a member so we don't have to pay Kiwanis International. dues for a person that is not planning to continue their membership.
Glen has asked to have everyone email him their service hours for August.
Dale introduced our speaker JoAnn Dodd, Donor Funding Coordinator at Open Door Mission
Open Door Mission has a Gospel Rescue Mission that meets the needs of individuals and families while inspiring HOPE for lasting change.
In 2022, Open Door Mission made an impact by:
Providing 157,195 nights of safe shelter.
Serving 1.42 million nutritious meals to feed the hungry.
Empowering 26,772 individuals to remain in their own homes and prevent homelessness.
Celebrating 85 graduates from life-changing programs.
Diverting 528 patients experiencing homelessness from hospital emergency room visits.
Changed lives along with 12,845 volunteers giving 47,245 hours of their valuable time.
Processed and redistributed 5.04 million pounds of Gift-in-Kind donations from generous donors.
It was amazing to hear what all they accomplish.
They are looking for volunteers. Joann Feller is considering getting a group to go help cook an evening meal. Joann will seen out more information.
We do not have a meeting on Monday, September 4th.
Speaker for September 11th is Tracey Domgard the Nebraska-Iowa Key Club Administrator and 2 students that went to the Key Leader Convention in Anaheim, CA
Our next meeting is September 11th at noon at Legends
Submitted by Barb St John
They engage, enlighten, and encourage students from preschool through graduation.
They engage through mentoring, evidence-based programming, and relationship-building.
They enlighten through goal-setting and career exploration.
They encourage through long-term support and scholarships.
Their proven results place young people on a pathway to success.
There are opportunities to volunteer. You can email