√ October 7:

Shannon Wiig, Director of Omaha Visitors Center

√ October 14:

Valerie Stoj, Election Committee.  She will give us an overview of the 2024 General Election.

√ October 21:

Linda Placzek Kiwanis Safe Environment Training

October 28:

Shawn McCarville, Project Pink support group for Breast Cancer survivors.  October is Breast Cancer awareness month

Who's Online

We have 85 guests and no members online

Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
Attendance: 12 Members and Dustin
50/50 Still no winner.
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
We enjoyed listening to our speaker at the beginning of the meeting. The switch was made because, he had another commitment at 1 pm. Joann introduced Rodney Evans to us. He is CEO of Metro Area Youth Services...MAYS. Their mission is to identify strengths and weaknesses of youth with challenging backgrounds and provide programming that uncovers hidden skills and talents, while forming ongoing community partnerships enabling them to provide additional services to support youth and their families. Once again, a fascinating speaker.
The Board approved to spend up to $1000.00 to buy back packs and school supplies for children that need these items. Barb is contacting schools to see if there is a need for these. So far, she has not been able to reach anyone at Sacred Heart School. A couple others that she will contact are Completely Kid's and Street School.
The District Convention is August 4th & 5th.  Joann and Glen will be attending it.  Our club will be helping check in the produce donated by attendees for Saving Grace. Ralph, Greg and Joann volunteered for Friday evening. Glen, Joann and Steve volunteered for Saturday morning.
Joann volunteered to take the produce that our members would like to bring to our meeting on August 3rd.
Barb signed us up to Provide A Meal for Ronald McDonald House on August 12th.  A sheet was passed around for volunteers. 8 would be good.  So far, we have Dave, Barb, Steve and Dana. Email Barb if you are available to volunteer.
Our Summer Party is August 26th at Jack Jackson's house. 
Our Installation Dinner is October 10th at 6 pm at Champions Run. More information as it gets closer.
Joann will send out an email about the possibility of a change in days for our meetings. There is a chance a Rotary Club will ask for both meeting rooms at Legends for their club meetings on Thursday's.  They are making their evaluation this week and next week.
Speaker for August 3rd is Ishmael Costello, Director of Completely Kids.
Next Board Meeting is August 8th at Kip's office.
Next meeting is August 3rd at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 15 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Rod collected Happy Bucks. 
Joann volunteered our club to participate in accepting produce for Saving Grace at the District Convention on August 4th & 5.  She has enough volunteers for Friday. She does need 2 more volunteers for Saturday from 7:30 am to 9:00 am.  Contact Joann if you are available to help.
Members that are not volunteering have a chance to participate by bringing produce to our Kiwanis meeting on July 27th. Joann has volunteered to take the produce to the convention center for Saving Grace to pick up.  Only requirement is that it should not be produce that requires refrigeration.
Joann and Glen plan to attend the convention.
Joann read from an article about clubs winning awards for their projects. One that caught Barb's attention was donating back packs and school supplies to schools.  She suggested this could be a project our club could do.  Barb is to contact some schools to see if there is a need for this project. Sacred Heart and Completely Kids were suggested.  
Joann is to send out an email asking the Board Member's to vote yes or no on whether the club should consider spending $1000.00 for this project if Barb finds a need for it in our area.
Installation Dinner is possibly September 19th. More information to come later.
Summer Party is going to be at Jack Jackson's house on August 26th. It will be catered.  A signup sheet will be passed around soon.
Rod said AllPlay will be starting their Fall Season on August 12th. It will be for 6 weeks. This is a good opportunity to volunteer. You can sign up on allplay.org.
Dave announced the User List is functional on our website.
Thank you to Dave for all the work he has done on the Web Site.
Our speaker was Joann Feller.  She took us on a tour of Donan Castle located in Scotland. We really enjoyed the information and pictures she shared with us.
Glen volunteered to arrange speakers for October.
Speaker for July 27th is Rodney Evans CEO/President Metro Area Youth Services. He will tell us about the Camp called Hood in the Woods.
Next Board Meeting is August 8th at Kip's office.
Next meeting is July 27th at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 13 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Glen collected Happy Bucks. 
Joann said our club received Thank You notes from Kiwanis International and our  District for the donations we made.
Joann recommended the movie "The Sound of Freedom". An excellent well done movie.
Our next flag placement is September 4th.  Email Dennis if you are available to volunteer for placing flags and/or picking up flags.
The District Convention is August 3rd and 4th. Glen and Joann are registered to attend.  Our club has volunteered to help check in produce being donated to Saving Grace.  Ralph, Greg, Joann and Steve have volunteered to do this on Friday from 3 to 6 pm.  Glen and Joann have volunteered to do this on Saturday from 7:30 to 9 am.  2 more volunteers are needed for Saturday. Email Joann if you are available.
Jack volunteered to have our summer party at his house on August 26th. It will be catered. Nothing for us to do but go and enjoy the evening.
Barb reminded every one of the opportunity to volunteer for McDonald/ Big Red Friday. It is August 25th from 6 am to 9 am.  
If you would like to volunteer, please visit https://app.vomo.org/opportunity/big-red-friday-with-rmhc, select your choice McDonald's location, and click join. Create a simple account with Vomo and you are good to go!  Joann, Frank, Dave and Barb have volunteered. 
Dave has been making progress on our web site. He has entered all of the members in it. He passed around a paper telling how to log in, the current password and how to change your password. Email Dave if you have any questions or difficulties with it.
Dave also has completed the user list on the web site. Once you log in you will have the option of picking the user list.  Selecting a user will provide the address and telephone number of that member.
Joann attended a 3 hour zoom presidential training session. One of the ideas she came away with was to contact United Way or Share to help identify a worthy cause that would benefit from donations from our club..
Deb Rost introduced our speaker Miles Brown, Fisher House Manager. For more than 30 years, the Fisher House program has provided a home away form home for families of patients receiving medical care at major military and VA medical centers. These homes offer free, temporary lodging to military and veteran families. Omaha's Fisher House opened 3 years ago. It was built by Fisher House Foundation and gifted to the VA.  They have 16 fully furnished suites. Meals are not provided but the kitchen is kept well supplied for the guests to make their own meals. The guest must live at least 50 miles away from the facility. They must also be fully independent. It is not a care facility.  Thank you Deb for arranging for a very enlightening speaker.
They do accept donations of  individually wrapped snack cakes, cookies, chips , peanut butter and crackers etc. This is something our club members can bring to our meeting and Dave and I would be happy to drop them off at Fisher House. You can find their Wish List by searching the Internet  for Fisher House Omaha Wish List.
Speaker for July 20th is unknown.
Speaker for July 27th is Rodney Evans CEO/President Metro Area Youth Services. He will tell us about the Camp called Hood in the Woods.
Our next meeting is July 20th at noon at Legends. 
Submitted by Barb St John
Attendance: 11 Members
50/50 Still no winner.
Greg collected Happy Bucks. 
The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 8, at 6:30. Location Kip Squire Office.
Flag Placement Program
Two dates remaining -
September 4, Labor Day
September 11, Patriot’s Day
Dennis reported that the July 4 date had went well.  The received donations has resulted in a $4,000  net result.
The District Convention is set for August 4 and 5.  A sign up sheet was passed around for volunteers to help with greeting and produce collection.
reminder that Jack Jackson has offered to have a summer party for our club members at his home. It will be Saturday, August 26th at 6:30 pm. The meal will be catered. 
There are four  members committed for the McDonald/ Big Red Friday. It is August 25th from 6 am to 9 am.  Reminder - if you would like to volunteer, please visit https://app.vomo.org/opportunity/big-red-friday-with-rmhc, select your choice McDonald's location, and click join. Create a simple account with Vomo and you are good to go! 
Dave is still working on our Website. Dave’s voice mail message to Joann is that site availability is close.
Glen reminded the group that there is Club Leadership training on Saturday, July 8th from 9:30 to 12:30. It will be held at the Council Bluffs Library.  There will be Zoom training on July 12th  & August 14th from 7 to 9 pm.  It is important for Officer's and Chair people to attend one of these. Glen and Joann plan to attend a Zoom meeting.
Deb introduced our speaker Christina Zaner, Town and Country Humane Society.
The line-up of speakers for July is complete.

Our next meeting is July 13th at noon at Legends.

Submitted by Steve Bunting