√ February 3:
Canopy South; Cesar Garcia, Executive Director
February 10:
Omahawks Radio Controlled Airplane Club - Grant Schulte and Jim Henley
February 17:
RISE: Jeremy Bourman, CEO
February 24:
Omaha's Preservation Program: Shelley McCafferty, City of Omaha Preservation Planner
Welcome to the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha
Founded in 1938 for Kiwanis Club of Greater Omaha and founded in 1961 for Kiwanis Club Westside which have merged together to form the Kiwanis Club of West Omaha. Each has a rich history of community service throughout the years. We are an eclectic mix of ages, genders, occupations, backgrounds and interests. We are all passionate about making our community and the world a better place for children so they can thrive. We are devoted to serving the children in our local community and also children all across the country and worldwide through unique and innovative service projects and fundraising initiatives. Members and invited guests meet each Monday at Noon for food, fellowship, and for the opportunity to hear from speakers about important matters in our region.
Meeting Location:
RSVP or Questions: [email protected]
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Dave.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  14
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
Phil enjoyed our club enough to return again.
Barb announced we will be honoring Jack at our August 5th meeting for 50 years of service in Kiwanis.
Joann is going to the District Convention in Des Moines, IA on August 2nd.
She also went to the Visitors Center at Eppley Airport to assess the volunteer opportunity for the Omaha Visitor Center Ambassadors Program. More volunteers are needed.  She will suggest this as a district project for  District 17, 19 and 20.  She met with Shannon Wiig, Director of Visitor Services at Eppley. She will ask her to be a speaker at one of our meetings in August.
Greg talked about being an Omaha Visitor Center Ambassador. He said that the Golden K Club is the primary sponsor. The Information Booth is the only volunteer opportunity at the airport. Volunteers get a discount on concessions and free parking when on duty. He said it is the most diverse mall in the City of Omaha. It is a great experience.
Rod mentioned the opportunity to volunteer for the Allplay fall season. It is from August 10th to September 14th. They need a lot of volunteers. Barb and Dave volunteered as Greeters for August 17th. Sign up is easy. Go to allplay.org 
Dale signed up for speakers for September. He asked for us to let him know if we have any suggestions. 
Glen would like to have your service hours for July emailed to him as soon as possible.
Vince introduced our speaker Kelsey Phippen, MS,RD,LD,LMNT Registered Dietitian for Hyvee, Inc. Their mission - making lives, easier, healthier and happier. Kelsey explained all the services that are available through Hyvee Dietitian Nutrition Services . She told us which ones had a cost and which ones are free. It's amazing how many are free. She handed out a brochure with all of this information. It also available on line at hy-vee.com/health/hy-vee-dietitians. Kelsey was an excellent speaker. She shared a lot of information with us
Board Meeting is August 6th at 6:30 at Kip's office.
August 5th we will be Celebrating Jack Jackson's 50 years of service in Kiwanis.
Next meeting is August 5 at Legends at noon.
Submitted by Barb St John
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Kip.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  12
Ralph collected Happy Bucks.
Joann introduced our guest, Past Governor Lynda Henningsen of Kiwanis Club of Omaha.
Phil returned as a guest to visit our club for a second time. 
Barb said she and Dave will deliver the back packs and school supplies to Sacred Heart School Wednesday morning.
Joann went to the Visitors Center at Eppley Airport to assess the volunteer opportunity for the Omaha Visitor Center Ambassadors Program. She would like to suggest this as a district project for  District 17, 19 and 20.  She is meeting with Shannon Wiig, Director of Visitor Services at Eppley on Wednesday to obtain more information.
Deb reminded us to bring in items for the homeless shelters. 1, 2 or more items are always appreciated. Kip and Barb brought in clothing and some non perishable food items. Deb and Joann will deliver the items to the shelters. Bill said Moving Vet Forward will pick up furniture on Tuesday and Thursday.  Call 402-302-6300 if you have items to donate.
Allplay fall season is from August 10th to September 14th. They need a lot of volunteers. Sign up at allplay.org
Kip reminded us of this message from Dale last week.  The situation for the people in Houston that are without power is terrible. So many lost their homes and their food . He suggested having the club send a donation and also that individuals donate on their own. The club donation will be discussed at the next Board Meeting. In the mean time you can send in an individual donation. Big or little,..it all helps.
 The address is : Houston Food Bank East Branch, 535 Portwall Street, Houston, TX 77029. 
Installation Dinner is October 1st at Champion Run. More information later.
Board Meeting is August 6th at 6:30 at Kips office.
Joann introduced our speakers, Tracey Domgard, Nebraska-Iowa Key Club Administrator  and Owen Fitchhorn, a Key Club member at Woodbine High School. Tracey expressed her appreciation of the donation our club made to help make attending the International Convention in Atlanta, GA possible for some students. Owen gave a very nice presentation of the convention. He also talked about how much the Key Club at Woodbine High School means to him. There are around 30 members. They are sponsored by The Woodbine Kiwanis Club. They have 2 very good Faculty Advisors. Some of their accomplishments have been the pancake feed for Apple Fest, sponsoring a family for Christmas, having a bake sale with the $600.00 they made from it going towards mental health care. It was great hearing how involved the youth are in Key Clubs through out the world. We enjoyed Owens presentation.
Speaker for next week is Leigh Healey RDN, LMNT, LD, Hy-Vee Corporate Registered Dietitian.
Next meeting is July 29th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Frank.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  14
No winner for 50/50 Drawing. 
Frank collected Happy Bucks.
Frank reported that everyone has paid on all 3 flag routes except for 1 person that is out of the country right now. We lost 2 people on the East route and 1 on the middle route 2 houses are empty and 1 has a new owner.  A huge Thank you to Dennis and Frank for all of the work they do for this project.
Barb and Dave delivered 30 back packs filled with school supplies to Completely Kids. Completely Kids really appreciated them. We were the first group to donate back packs this year. We are scheduled to deliver 30 back packs and school supplies to Sacred Heart School next Tuesday.
Dale brought up the terrible situation for the people in Houston that are without power. So many lost their homes and their food . He suggested having the club send a donation and also for that individuals donate on their own. The address is :
Houston Food Bank East Branch, 535 Portwall Street, Houston, TX 77029.
Jack said they are considering adding Concordia High School to the list of schools that scholarship applications are sent to. This might help increase the number of applications that are turned in to us.
Barb brought 3 used back packs to donate to the Homeless Shelters that Joann and Deb deliver things to.  Chances are you have some that are not being used in the back of a closet.  Bring them to a meeting. Deb & Joann will make sure they are delivered to one of the following shelters : Sienna Francis House, Stephen Center or Open Door Mission.
Joann introduced our speaker Alexis Bromley. She is an Interim Consultant for Omaha Girls Rock. OGR's mission is to empower our community and our youth to use their voices through music education.  Their primary role is to create opportunity for empowerment, self-discovery, cultural expression and equitable access to the arts. O GR has evolved into a spunky arts and education nonprofit that works to embolden girls, femmes, trans and gender-non-conforming youth and teens throughout the Omaha-metro. Their programming has grown to include year-round individual and small group instrument instruction, after-school programming, band laboratories, and gear loan in addition to summer camp for youth 4-18 years old. Alexis was an excellent speaker.
Speaker for July 22 is Leigh Healey RDN, LMNT, LD. She is a Hy-Vee Corporate Registered Dietitian.
Next Meeting is July 22 at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John
The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Dale. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  18
Joann won the 50/50 Drawing. 
Rod collected Happy Bucks.
Joel introduced his guest Phil.
Dennis thanked the “Rock Stars” that placed and picked up 166 flags on July 4th. They were Frank, Steve, Joann, Rich, Rod, Ralph, Deb, Kip and his wife Deb and Dennis, Laurrie & Daniel Cronin. A big Thank You to Dennis and Frank for coordinating the Flag Project.  The next dates are September 2nd and Sept 11th. There will be 165 to 170 flags to place and pick up. Let Dennis know if you are available to volunteer.
Barb and Dave will be delivering 30 back packs and supplies to Completely Kids right after today's meeting. 30 back packs and supplies have been purchased for Sacred Heart School. Delivery date is yet to be determined.  We stayed within $13.00 of the amount budgeted for this project.
Glen reminded everyone to email him their service hours for June.
Greg received information about the Airport Ambassador - Visit Omaha Volunteer program increasing their hours. It will have 2 shifts 7 day's a week. It will be for 4 hour shifts. 10-2 to 2 to 6. Contact Greg if you are interested in volunteering. Joann is planning to talk to Barb Irwin about making it a Division Project.
Deb brought in a package of new socks that her neighbor donated for one of our homeless shelters. She was aware we collect for them and donated them. Remember you can donate too. Bring as little as 1 item of clothing, food or a house hold item to any of our meetings. It all adds up. Deb & Joann will see the items are delivered to Open Door Mission, Stephens Center or Sienna Francis House.
Our Installation Dinner will be Tuesday, October 1st at Champions Run Golf Course.  Save the date. More information to come.
Vince introduced our speakers DeJuan Reddick, Executive Director for The Hope Center For Kids and Joey Wolfe, Development Director for The Hope Center for Kids.  Hope Center Mission: Faithfully Inspiring Hope In The Lives Of Youth & Children Through Education, Employability, Collaboration & Faith. The Hope Center provides a safe after-school and summer program where children and youth can take part in academic support, youth development, faith-based learning opportunities, and receive a hot meal every night. It all started with a vision in the heart of the late Pastor Ty Schenzel who saw the need for hope in the lives of kids who could not see beyond their circumstances, and his vision became a reality in 1998.
More than 20 years later, The Hope is home to multiple learning spaces including an Employment & Learning Academy, a commercial kitchen and cafeteria, and the Hope Skate roller rink. In 2018, The Hope Center for Kids launched its first campus site in Holy Name School where it continues to impact lives today. In summer 2021, Hope Skate officially opened as the Schenzel Community Center, expanding programming to more groups and age ranges. To schedule a tour of The Hope Center, Contact them at (402) 341-4673.
Board Meeting is August 6 at 6:30 at Kip's office.
July 15 speaker is from Omaha Girls Rock.
Next meeting is July 15, at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John


The meeting was opened with a prayer led by Rod.This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Attendance:  14
No winner for 50/50 Drawing. 
Vince collected Happy Bucks.
Dennis said we are scheduled to place and pick up 166 flags on July 4th.  1 more volunteer is needed for placing and 2 for pick up.  Kip volunteered him and his wife for pickup.  Placing is at 7 am and pick up is at 6 pm. Meet at the school.  A big Thank You to Dennis and Frank for everything they do for this project.
Barb and Dave have been shopping for back packs and school supplies for Completely Kid's and Sacred Heart School.  30 back packs are filled with the list of supplies Completely Kid's asked for.  They will be delivered this week.  More back packs are on order so we will have 30 back packs for Sacred Heart School plus school supplies.  So far we are a little under what was budgeted for the back packs and supplies.
Barb will pick out a date to cook at Ronald McDonald House after finishing up the backpack and school supply project.
Dale is planning to contact Completely Kid's to see if they need any volunteers for the summer program.
Deb said she has items ready to drop off for the homeless shelters. She will be dropping off items for the Stephens Center soon. The centers appreciate getting storage totes, clothing and food items. You can bring items to any of our meetings for Deb and Joann to deliver the following shelters: Open Door Mission, Stephens Center, Sienna Francis House. 
Deb is still collecting aluminum cans. You can bring them to any meeting. She redeems them and donates the money to our club.
Joann is planning to attend the District Convention on August 2nd and 3rd. She has arranged for 2 of our members to be on the Memorial Board. She will be installed as Lieutenant Governor during the convention.
Kip said our Installation Dinner will be Tuesday, October 1st at Champions Run Golf Course.  Save the date. More information to come.
A little reminder to send in your service hours for June to Glen.
Vince introduced our speaker Gretchen Crane. She is Community & Donor Engagement Manager for Omaha Conservatory of Music. She has enjoyed a highly varied career that includes opera residencies across the country, concert performances at acclaimed venues like the Kennedy Center, and experimental recordings that push the boundaries of classical music. Gretchen shared very interesting information about the Omaha Conservatory Of Music. Their mission is Building a Diverse Musical Community One Note at a Time. Their rich, vibrant musical community offers a variety of classes, interaction with guest artists, ensemble experiences, concerts, educational workshops, solo and group performances, and other unique opportunities in collaboration with arts organizations throughout the region. We really enjoyed her presentation. There is a lot more information available on their website.
Board Meeting August 6 at Kip's office at 6:30.
Speaker for July 8th is DeJuan Reddick Executive Director POC-Joey Wolfe, Development Director of The Hope Center for Kids.
Next meeting is July 8th at noon at Legends.
Submitted by Barb St John